Tan Zhen Hong


Pronouns: He/Him/His

Undergraduate: Senior

Major(s): Electrical Engineering and Economics 

Team: Avatar

Languages: English, Mandarin, Malay

Hobbies: Traveling, watching Netflix shows, meeting new people

Why I became a mentor: When I came to the US, IPMP mentors helped me a lot to adapt to the United States and IUPUI culture. The guidance of my mentors and the new people that I met through IPMP made my transition a lot easier. I would like to pay this forward by becoming a mentor and helping new international students transition to the lifestyle in the US.

Bio: I am the shortest in my friends' group and I am proud of that. But my energy is much bigger than my height and I love to meet and socialize with new people!

Best place to eat in Indianapolis: I grew up in Malaysia where I had a lot of Indian friends. As a result, I love Indian food and I love eating at Indian Sizzling 2!

One piece of advice: School is not all about studies, it is about making new memories with new people who might walk with you for the rest of your life. Spend time experiencing new things and meeting people from different backgrounds, and trust me, you will leave college with a lot of golden memories.