Olamide Otun


Pronouns: He/Him/His

School Year: Senior

Major(s): Electrical Engineering 

Minor(s): Africana Studies 

Team: Sherlock

Languages: English and Yoruba

Hobbies: Sports, video games, Movies

Why I became a mentor: I joined IPMP as a freshman and I would consider it as one of my best decisions as a freshman because I found a family here. Coming to the US as an international student can be quite challenging but I was able to adapt and get all the resources I needed through the program. This is why I decided to continue in this tradition of being that first welcoming face for international students here at IUPUI. I’ve served as a mentor some semesters back and it was a wonderful experience. Looking forward to another great year assisting international students!

Bio: I go by Mide. I grew up in Nigeria, and moved to the US 3 years ago to pursue my bachelors in Electrical Engineering. I enjoy outdoor events, looking forward to meeting y’all!!

Favorite spot on campus: The Game room in the Campus Center

Favorite thing about IUPUI: The diversified community