James Lok


Pronouns: He/Him/His

School Year: Senior

Major(s): Electrical Engineering

Team: Spongebob

Languages: English, Malay, Mandarin

Hobbies: Soccer, Gym, Netflix

Why I became a mentor: I became a mentor to provide help to international students through their transition at IUPUI. I would also like to make friends with students coming from different countries, understand their culture, and make IPMP a family to all of them.

Bio: I am James, and I come from Malaysia. I am majoring in Electrical Engineering, and this is my second year here at IUPUI. I am a big soccer fan, and I love playing soccer.

Favorite spot on campus: My favorite spot on campus is library level 4. I love studying and doing my homework there. The view of downtown Indy from here is fantastic!

Favorite thing about IUPUI: My favorite thing about IUPUI is the multicultural learning environment where there are a lot of international students coming from different backgrounds.