Kaarthi A. Gnapathy


Pronouns: He/Him/His

School Year: Senior

Major(s): Mechanical Engineering

Team: Coconut

Languages: English, Tamil, Malay

Hobbies: Netflix and reading

Why I became a mentor: I remember how when I came to the US, my mentor helped me to get through all the issues that I faced during the process. I would like to payback those deeds by helping new mentees adapting to the life in this US.

Bio: I come from an island in Malaysia that has exotic food. As a result, I am always hungry and will be down for food anytime. 

Best place to eat in Indy: If you’re looking for a late night snack, then definitely Petra!

My favorite thing about IUPUI: Piece of advice: School is not all about studies (it should be a priority but it’s not the only thing here). This is a place to discover who you are and what your passions are so go out, meet new people, involve yourself in campus organizations and have fun!