Ayesha Pandey

UAE and India

School Year: Junior

Major(s): Marketing & Supply Chain Management

Team: Pluto

Languages: English & Hindi

Hobbies: I absolutely love traveling to new places! Besides that I enjoy cooking, baking, and trying out new foods from different cultures.

Why did you become a mentor: Initially, I was terrified of leaving Dubai and travelling halfway across the world to attend university. As a freshman, being a mentee in IPMP helped me immensely with this transition . Not only were my mentors a constant source of support and guidance, but I also found my first friends here at IPMP.

I then set out to become a mentor so I could give back to this wonderful community. Being a mentor this past year was an extremely rewarding and fulfilling experience. I would not trade anything for it, which brings me to my last year of being a mentor!

Bio: I was born in Mumbai, India but spent the next 17 years of my life growing up in Dubai, UAE. I’ve always been passionate about business, and studying at the Kelley School of Business is what brought me all the way here, to IUPUI. I love being involved on campus, trying out new things, and making tons of memories!

What is your favorite spot on campus: The Wood Fountain, behind the library.

What is one piece of advice you'd like to give to new Freshmen: Step out of your comfort zone! No matter how intimidating it may seem at first, I promise that you won't regret it. Don't be afraid of change- meet new people, try new things, and always say yes to an adventure!